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Vitamunda Intestinal Detox

Why should you do an Intestinal Detox?

That good health begins in the gut is an old wisdom that still applies today.

The benefits of a clean intestinal system

With a clean intestinal tract, you will benefit from healthy food as the nutrients are absorbed much more easily. The immune system works better, you will feel in better shape and much more energetic.

Finally, there is now a product that cleans the entire intestine!

Vitamunda's Colon Detox program not only cleanses the colon, but also the small intestine and duodenum. Vitamunda's Colon Detox is unique in the world, which is due to the main ingredient: fermented oil palm bark.

The fibers

The fermented fibers from the bark of the palm have the ability to penetrate deep into the pollution center, directly into the toxins. This is needed because the toxins attach to the slimy biofilm layer in the colon. The fibers penetrate the toxins completely and moisturize them from the inside. In this way, the contaminated membrane of toxins disappears, easily and painlessly slipping out of the body.


In addition to the fibers, the product also contains okra, an ingredient that on its own moisturizes the lining of the colonic system, so that it can function optimally again. This is needed because the long-term contamination of the colon system has dried out the mucosa and caused it to become infected.

• Cleanses the entire intestinal system
• Easy to use
• Gluten, sugar, soy & lactose free
• 100% natural
• Comfortable
• Provides more energy
• Slimmer waist
• Better metabolism

For more information contact us via email and we will help you

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